Thursday, March 16, 2006

Astrology discussion forums

Astrology forums - places to share your astrological ideeas
There are a lot of discussion forums related to astrology on the internet. And in almost any spoken language.
Below you can find some of most interesting ones (in my opinion):

Bob Marks Astrology Forum

More than 700 members and 35.000 messages posted.
918 registered users and 24875 posts (at the moment of this blog post)
Lindaland forum
A very active discussion forum.
SkyScript astrology forum
Another excellent place to exchange opinions.
960 members and more than 2000 posts


Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Google chart - an astrological analysis

The astrological explanation of Google success...personal point of view

We all now about Google and their history. I've got the curiosity to look up at their chart and to try to identify the source(s) of their success.
I've find on their milestone page ( Google milestone - now it was removed) the exact date when Larry and Sergey opened the doors to Google:
September 7, 1998 in Menlo Park. Regarding the hour I think that using 11:00am we are closer enough to the exact date ...I assumed that they didn't wait until afternoon in order to launch their business. The chart raised for that time and place is the following:

So, we a have a Virgo (sun placement) Google company with a not so sure Scorpio Ascendant. If you think what is the main business of Google we can say that the Sun placed in Virgo is very appropriate: searching, analyzing, sorting, ordering...there all Virgo attributes. Also placement of Sun into 11th house , on cusp, show us that Google is project based company with a lot of initiatives. The Sun-Chiron sextile outline the originality and sometimes 'hybrid' ideas of the Google products and services.

Search engines...this is the main business of the Google. Searching engines from astrology point of view might be represented mainly by Mercury (information searching and ordering, curiosity , small detailes), 3rd house (similar with Mercury) and Uranus as internet and IT ruler. If we look into the Google chart you will observe some interesting things:
- Mercury : conjunct North Node and Venus and trine from Saturn. You can say that Google is excellent in searching and extracting raw information (Mercury), ordering/organizing it (Saturn) and put it in a user friendly and 'lovely' form (Venus). And is doing this in order to comply with its his means or purpose in life (NorthNode).
- 3rd house: with cusp in Capricorn (showing us the determination and seriousity in searching the WWW for specific information) is populated by Neptune (Uranus it might be placed in 4th house). The Neptune in 3rd might simply outline the output of this company (Neptun is the symbol of the ouptut or the results of our efforts): good quality seach results or attentions to detailes/ small pieces of informations.
- Uranus: the position of this planet is interesting , opposition with Mars and square with Chiron forming an T-Square. This configuration is very powerfull and it can be the motivation of creating new products and services. This energy released by T-square make Google very daring and always accepting new challanges. And in the same time is a source of new excellent ideas, projects and finally products and services. The originality (Chiron) is always pushed to the limits by the company desire to action (Mars) and by the inventivity of his own peoples (Uranus).
Until now we outlined why Google is doing what is doing and why is so original and inventive. But now let's try to find out why Google is so succesfully.

For Google the word popularity is not an unsual term. There is not internet user to not hear or use Google. Also Google is surprising by it's simplicity in use.
If we look into the G. chart we will observe another interesting thing: the positions of Moon and Jupiter. The first thing to observe is that both planets are placed in 5th house and are excellent aspected.

The Moon in a company chart outline the popularity, the employees and the products. Moon in 5th house and in Aries show us that Google employees are very creative and they are energetically (Aries) expressing it. It also show us that the Google products and services are 'loved' by their customers.

Jupiter on the other hand in 5th house emphasize all the creativity activities of the company and allows a better planning of resources. Being retrograde might seems not very good for the company. But it's not true. Jupiter retrograde helps Google not becoming too adventurous in starting new things and on making always making Google managers to make a step back and re-analyze and re-think previous planning. It allows them to have a different persepective on the same action plan, product or project.

The popularity of Google comes from the Moon excellent aspected and also from the position of Mars on Midheaven plus triple conjunction Venus-Mercury-NorthNode in 10th house. Mars in 10th house shows us that Google is a very active player on the market and it always searching new ways to expand and increase their reputation. Mars trine Moon is an excellent aspect which allows Google to have a strong support from their customers for each of their actions and initiative.

I will end here this analysis...just a small issue to remind: Why Google stocks failed this weeks? Just look at the present transits: Saturn in transit square natal Saturn. The first lesson for Google to learn...more to come. In a future post I will discuss about astrological financial aspects of Google.

If you have any comments please feel free to post them.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Jupiter retrograde in 2006

Yesterday ,3rd of March 2006, Jupiter started to move retrograde and it will keep this direction until 5th of July 2006.

Jupiter in Scorpio already boosted all the underground activities and all hidden things started to come to the surface. Also all the religious fanatism activites found a 'solid' ground for manifestation. You can look at our world today and we can observe that a lot of dirty things are coming to the light. Also at the personal level is a period of hard times especially those persons with Jupiter transiting natal planets - people with planets in Scorpio/Taurus for example.

The exact start date of the retro movement was 3.03.2006 5:42am GMT on the 18:52 degree in Scorpio. Until 6.03.2006 4:30am GMT it will remain on the 18:52 degree , meaning that Jupiter will be stationary during this period. The stationary periods are important and very powerfull from energy point of view and during this moments all activities related to Jupiter should be postponed: travelling abroad or on long distances, all things related to the laws, partners, associates and religious beliefs.

The sabian symbol of the 18:52 scorpio degree (19 degree scorpio) is : A wise old parrot has been listening attentively to the conversation and preening himself; now he begins to speak.

If you analyze this sabian symbol of Jupiter retro it might be possible that some rumours and negative opinions might spread all over the world and many people it will become confused. There is the danger the this rumours can become valid truth for some of the peoples and may cause some serious problems. Also at the personal level there might be some problems with hidden 'friends' which will spread some not very good thoughts about you.

Jupiter it will return to his direct motion on 5th of July 2006 at 6:46pm GMT and it will be positioned at 8:59 Scorpio.

Sabian Symbol fo 9 Scorpio: A dentist is hard at work. Man-made porcelain replaces nature's enamel which consciousness has been unable to hold

This sabian symbol may suggest that after 5th of July we might be able to find solutions to problems appeared during this retrograde period. We might be able to solve some of the issues that before looked hard to solve.

Jupiter retrogred period, at personal level, is an excelent time for self-reflection and interiorization. Our expanding energies are contracting and we will have time and the mood for analyzing all our internal beliefes (religious or not). We just have to calm down and to connect to the surrouding energies and to our innner-self. We will receive many subtile messages that will guide us in life.

As an advice ...during this period it should be better to avoid starting any new activities that involves laws and justice , travelling abroad , partnerships. Also avoid doing thing that are at the legal limit...the risk of being discovered is increased.